Offering pet wellness exams in Kincheloe, MI

Boost Your Pet’s Health and Happiness

Dogs and cats need to see their vet regularly, like we see our primary care physicians for checkups. If you don’t have a vet currently, get in touch with Kinross Veterinary Center. We offer preventive pet care services in the Kincheloe, MI area. Since your animal can’t speak for themselves, it needs pet wellness exams to look for pain and illnesses. We provide everything from annual exams to biannual exams.

Why should you take your pet to the vet?

There are very few things more important for your cat or dog than pet wellness exams. Taking your pet to a veterinarian regularly can help:

  • Prevent parasites
  • Manage their weight
  • Settle behavioral issues
  • Improve their diet and nutrition

Examining your dog or cat helps our team detect and identify potential problems. This allows us to treat them as quickly as possible. Schedule preventive pet care services with us today.

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